Last chance to book your gala dinner table at our launch and fundraising gala dinner

Support disadvantaged children and young people through the power of athletics NOW

Personal Best Foundation logo. Text: Fundraising gala dinner and official launch celebration. Friday 18 November 2022

At Personal Best Foundation, we are overwhelmed by the fantastic response we have received so far regarding support for our official launch and fundraising gala dinner next Friday 18 November. However, with only one day to go until ticket sales close, the Foundation’s passion and resolve to ensure every attempt to support children and young people is undaunted. The Personal Best Foundation believes every child should have the opportunity to achieve their personal best on the track, in school, and in life. However, young people do not all receive the same opportunities.

The fundraising gala dinner at Drapers’ Hall, in London, will be a celebratory evening, marking the start of our charity’s work to deliver against our core mission; which is to identify, understand and to address the challenges facing children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds through the power of athletics, and to work collaboratively and creatively to remove barriers, increase participation, improve inclusion and reduce inequalities.

Supported by England Athletics, Olympians, past and present, and some of our Team England athletics stars from Birmingham 2022, as well as exclusive musical performances from some familiar athletics personalities — plus major corporate supporters of athletics — the event will be one of entertainment, the opportunity to meet celebrities (both on and off the track, field, and road) as well as listening to stories from individuals who know only too well from personal experience how athletics has helped them in their personal lives and athletics careers. The evening is set to be inspirational; perhaps emotional but for all the right reasons, and above all, a moment of support for deserving children and young people.

And what’s more, Vassos Alexander, sports reporter, presenter, author, and endurance runner will compere the evening. Commenting upon his excitement in being involved and supporting the Personal Best Foundation, Vassos said:

“I’m so excited that the sport I love is doing more - even more! - to engage young and disadvantaged people and help them become their own Personal Best. I feel privileged to be involved and can’t wait to get started!”

England Athletics CEO and founding trustee of the Foundation, Chris Jones, said:

“I have been looking forward to this day for quite some time and firmly believe that the foundation will enable many more children and young people to benefit from our great sport who otherwise might not get the opportunity to do so.

“In many ways, athletics is already a very inclusive sport, but we have recognised that inequalities do exist and will continue to do so without further investment and intervention. The establishment of the Personal Best Foundation is our commitment to ensure more is being done to enable all children and young people to achieve their personal best irrespective of their background or personal circumstances.”

Foundation chair Mark Lawrie said:

“There is a great deal of excitement mounting for the official launch of Personal Best Foundation and we are encouraged by the positive reception that our announcement has received in the last few weeks alone. We recognise that we have a significant challenge ahead. Now more than ever, children and young people need our support, but we are eager to get started and the sooner we can raise some early funds the sooner we can start changing young lives through athletics. 

The launch dinner will also feature an auction with great prizes. More details to follow, so watch this space!

Book your table NOW by contacting us at:

More information can be found on the Personal Best Foundation website.